Access Policy
Haralson County Historical Society Archives
The collections maintained by the Haralson County Historical Society Archives will be made available for research as stated in the Acquisitions/ Collection Management Policy.
A. Access Restrictions
Access to some items may be restricted by the donors or depositors. These restrictions are noted on the Deed of Gift or Deposit Agreement and on the Accession Record. Restricted items will be marked with red tape or a red label. Do not access these records without first consulting a member of the staff. Access restrictions may be waived only when written permission is provided by the donor or owner. Violation of access restrictions will result in the loss of access permission.
Access may be denied to unprocessed items. Access may also be denied or restricted when the physical condition of records might be endangered by use.
B. Legislation and Privacy
All records are subject to federal and state laws governing privacy and disclosure. In the absence of specific restrictions, and within established guidelines, all materials are open to researchers on a non-discriminatory basis.
C. Reproduction of Materials
Please consult a staff member should you require copies of part of our collections. Reproduction of materials may be provided when permitted by access restrictions and copyright law. In the interest of preserving the condition and arrangement of the collections, copies will be made only by staff members. Though will we do our best to accommodate your needs, limitations on staff time and resources may prevent us from fulfilling your request. As such, copying will be done, limited, or refused at the discretion of the archivist. Please recognize that reproduction is a privilege, not a right.
Fees will be charged for the labor and materials of the reproductions in accordance with the current fee schedule.